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3 Ways I Make Magic Throughout the Day!

Writer's picture: Faelene GreenwoodFaelene Greenwood

Merry Magical greetings!

Let's talk about something really great I started doing that became a domino effect of magical deeds!

One of my intentions I set for this year was to live more magically everyday. I am often forgetful of the moon cycles, minor magical holidays and spells I'd want to do for them and because of that I tend to feel less magical and less of a witch. (I've become more understanding with myself and I'm no longer as tough, but sometimes I still feel bad) So to combat that feeling and enhance my connection to the world around me, I've implemented these easy tasks into my days. I seldom go a day without doing at least 2 or 3 but sometimes its a great day when I get the chance to do all 5!

1.) Trash Grabby makes the Fairies Happy!

I happen to live in a downtown area and sadly folks tend to miss the trash cans that are readily available around town. When I walk my dog in the morning I was used to seeing trash littering our route. One night when I had first wanted to work with Fairies, the book I was reading about them stated that doing things for the environment is a great way to get on their good side! So I went to my local store and picked up an extended arm grabber thingy, affectionately called my Trash Grabby. Now every morning I take it with me on my dog walks and I not only feel good doing my part as someone who lives in the area but I also feel a lot of love and appreciation from the Fairies! It's a great way to feel connected to mother earth, the Fairies and the nature spirits around us. If you don't live in an area that has trash cans every few feet, but still encounter trash, bring a reusable bag with you that you won't mind getting dirty, to collect the trash and throw it out in a local dumpster or your outdoor trash cans. Sanitize with spray after every use!

2.) Mindful Tea/Coffee Time

(gif artist: Avery Ota @averyota on IG)

Now, this can be a bit of a balancing act if you are someone with little fairies (or goblins😅), but if you're able to set aside time for yourself in the morning or at night here are some tips to making that a really magical time of your day. This practice can be as long as you can/need it to be, but can also be as short as you need it to be, depending on your schedule and obligations.

  • If possible, leave your phone in another room, on silent. This removes the urge to just "quickly check that one thing" which we all know leads to an extended scrolling marathon.

  • Stay present! The majority of this time should be spent focusing on the moment: feelings, senses, gratitude, environment, etc. You can start to think about what your day entails and the intentions you want to set for it near the end of your time. Staying present helps you feel your quiet time more deeply, and can actually make it feel much longer than it actually is! Accompany with several deep breaths throughout, and a gratitude list either written or thought about.

  • Journaling is an amazing way to connect with yourself, do some healing work, as well as connect with your spirit team and deities you may be working with. It's also a great place to air out any 'grievances' that ego would like to get out, clearing your energy for a great day! You can also use your journal to list the gratitudes from above, if you wish.

  • Music or no music? Meditation or no meditation? Well that's entirely up to you and your personal preference. For me, I struggle with symptoms of ADHD and while I manage some of them with an herbal supplement, I'm still not able to get to a place where I can successfully mediate. To give my subconscious something to focus on while I take care of matters in the forefront, I play Spa radio on Sirius XM. If you don't have that subscription, I have actually made a playlist on Spotify with some of my favorite songs from the station! Feel free to listen HERE This practice is TRULY dealers choice and whatever you choose should be the most beneficial to your self time.

3.) Taking Moments to Check-in with Myself

"Life moves pretty fast.If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

In addition to not noticing life, we also could be bypassing our emotions, energy and thoughts throughout the day, potentially leaving us drained, irritable and unhappy. Throughout the day events and people come into our realm and can upset the order of things. Sometimes nothing specific happens at all, and all of a sudden we find ourselves feeling overwhelmed, sensitive to the touch. I have this happen often and I have found that taking a few moments, 5-10 mins of concerted attention inwards, helps acknowledge the feeling, get to the root of it, solve and alleviate it. To do this, when I start to notice that the smallest of things cause me to overthink, become irritable or overly emotional, I know something is off. I then get to a stopping point in whatever I'm doing and step away to a quiet safe place where outer stimulants are at a low. I put on music, make a cup of tea and ask myself directly, out loud, "Okay, what's going on? Why are you feeling upset? Sad? Mad? etc." and then I wait to hear from myself. This comes in the form a small, inner voice, kind of like a child. The time it takes to finish the tea, about 5-10 mins, gives me enough time to answer that question, figure it out, and get back to what I was doing, with a better, more positive energy.

I truly hope that these tips help you to not only try them but also give you inspiration for your own ways of infusing you days with magic!

Be Safe and Message Me When You Get There!

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