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Living My Best Magical Life! (and how you can too!)

Writer's picture: Faelene GreenwoodFaelene Greenwood

Updated: Jul 6, 2022

Merry Magical Greetings!

Today we're going to touch on how I decided to say "F* IT!" and start incorporating magical actions and items into my daily life to enrich my days and bring me closer to my practice!

One of the first things I did was READ!

Now, I'm not a baby witch by any shape of the imagination, I would call myself a teen witch lol! I've been on my path for going on two years at this point and though I had read a lot about the history, different practices (including those that are closed as well as what has been colonized and make it a point to not do those things), and performed my fair share of spells, there was so many more magical topics that I hadn't read about yet! Why?

Fear. Confusion. Disbelief. I had to deconstruct a lot of the residual ways of thinking left over from my evangelical upbringing. It's not just about dismantling the deity belief system, when you decide to leave an organized religion there's also the untangling of the perception of the world they indoctrinated you to have. 'This' is evil, 'that' is evil, 'that' could lead to evil, don't play with 'fire', 'those types of people' are of the devil because (insert arbitrary, untrue reason). The list goes on and the conditioning runs deep. So, when it came time to learn about the world of Gods and Goddesses, Dragons, Fairies, Mermaids, and elementals in general, I had to grapple with my conditioned subconscious quite a bit.

But, I persevered and I started with fiction to get myself enveloped in those beings. Then I went to more New Age authors who speak from experience about the truth of them. When I did it this way, not only was I introduced to the beauty that is the ebb and flow of the universe we inhabit, but it also opened my eyes to just how beautiful our world is. Not can be, IS. I started to see the work of fairies, things in our natural world that seemingly come about magically through the obstacles of global warming, mass deforestation and over population.

The second thing was to incorporate more magical fulfilling routines into my day,

by deciding to be a part of the world and help it. One of the ways I did this was by reading about Fairies and how to interact with them and how they can help me and my practice. I starting carrying what I like to call a 'Trash Grabby'. Basically a grabber tool that I can carry when I walk my dog each morning. I live in a downtown area and not only does that lend itself to trash strewn about from passerby's and the dumpster pick-up days. However, the upside is that in this downtown area there are ample trash cans every few feet and so when I see trash I'm able to grab it, hold it for a bit and throw it out.

Doing this everyday has not only put me in good favor with the Fairies, and I've seen the benefit of that favor already, but it also makes me feel really good! Like really good! I live in a beautiful area that I'd like to keep that way and so now I feel like I'm doing my part in that and it was all started by Fairies.

The third thing I did was open my mind to Gods and Goddesses.

Now, you may be saying, "Faelene, if you were in a religion with a God already how difficult would it be for you to believe in other Gods or Goddesses?". Ummm... very difficult. Besides the obvious "Devil and other Gods are bad" belief system that had been ingrained in me from a young age, I also didn't really connect with the Christian God and or his son Jesus, on a personal level. I thought I had and I thought I knew what it was like to be connected to them spiritually, enough to proselytize to other profusely about them (if you're reading this and I did that to you in the past, I am so very sorry for making you feel uncomfortable or judged.)

But no, it was not in any shape of the imagination 'easy' to transfer beliefs in one God to another. In fact, for a while I wouldn't acknowledge any deity, of any pantheon because of my anger towards the God that had been presented to me as the figurehead of a humanized religion. (But that is a story for another article)

More to the point, when I had cleared the trauma and anger surrounding my perceptions of Gods and Goddesses, and I was ready to entertain the idea that one or multiple may want to help me and work with me, I didn't have to go looking very far. When my current patron God came to me to present an opportunity to work together to my benefit and growth, I was skeptical but I decided I didn't have anything to lose and everything to gain.

And gain I have, but that too is an elaboration for another post. It has been enriching, emboldening, encouraging, ALL THE E WORDS! hahaha! Having a deity, specifically the one I have, has made me a more compassionate, understanding, perceptive person to the world around me and the people in it. I'm less defensive of myself, I am more confident in who I am as a witch, as a woman and of my role in the lives of those I come in contact with. It has also been a healing endeavor in my perception of myself, the higher beings that are present and my interaction with them.

Since taking these 3 steps in my magical growth as a person, I have interacted with the world around me, the people around me and those in my life bubble, with more respect, care, and thought. I have also done the same for myself; I care more about my well being, I feel and see my worth not only to others but to myself and it has deepened the love, respect and care I have for myself.

If you are looking to shake things up, feel more connected to yourself, the physical and spiritual world around you, and/or your spiritual practice, I recommend doing variations of what I have. That which pertains to you and your path and belief system.

To summarize, all I have done though these practices is expand my knowledge of the magical world around me of sometimes unseen, but ever present and real, forces in our world, come to understand my role in the outside world and how to better the world around me, and deepened my connection to higher beings of higher vibrations of the spirit world that has led to my deepening of self love and self connection.

However you choose to do that in your practice, you will find it just as fulfilling I'm sure of it!

Be Safe and Message Me When You Get There!





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