What do you think it should feel like to be aligned with the Universe? To know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you are in fact on your best current path, in your highest timeline? You've done the trauma healing, shadow work and untangling of societal judgements and beliefs the world wraps us in. You're living in the moment, at peace with the fact that whenever the Universe brings to you what you desire is fine by you.
But it's quiet...too quiet. So quiet in fact that you can sometimes hear, what I like to affectionately call your 'Nagon'. Like a Dragon but instead of it being a presence of positivity and encouragement, it's a nagging presence that makes you doubt or second guess things, putting you on edge.
But wait. What's that? It feels, and sounds, like a calm current. Something humming just beneath everything. It seems to emit a feeling, overpowering the Nagon, helping you see the truth of the matter: There is nothing going wrong, nothing negative is coming for you, and it is safe and permissible to stay in this feeling of happiness and contentment. This is what feeling in alignment is like.
I know for myself, I thought that when the day came that I was in alignment with the Universe there would be this euphoric, fantastical, big bang feeling, everyday and THAT'S how I would know I had finally made it! That expectation not only set me up to be disappointed, it set me up so high on a ledge that when that feeling never came, it was like I was pushed off the ledge, destined to hit the ground. HARD. Then the Nagon would step in:
"See. This is reality. The hard truth of it. It's hard to get in alignment with the Universe. You're doing things wrong. You're not saying the right affirmations. You're not feeling grateful 24/7. Feeling that one seed of doubt messed everything up and now you have to start all over."
It's exhausting AND painful to feel and think that you're constantly getting in your own way, when in actuality you may have been in alignment all along. No where near the ledge.
Prominent Indicators of Being in Alignment
Common and true indicators of your alignment will be signaled by such things as seeing angel numbers, or repeating or significant numbers you see throughout your day, being "in the zone" more often and more easily (think the scene in the movie Soul), feeling a continuous connection to the world around you, physical and spiritual, this could be the people you interact with and your spirit team, ancestors, angels, deities and elementals. These are just a few and there are many other depending on the person and how their spirit team communicates with them. While these indicators are very encouraging, our Nagon works very hard to make up doubt their validity:
"That's just a coincidence and that's nothing special. You just happened to look at the time, that's not a sign, you were bound to look at a clock sooner or later. Of course you're going to see building numbers, you're out in public!"
They are incorrigible aren't they? And while the Nagon can eventually be overruled with work in the areas of trusting yourself, your spirit team and other healing work, I've never heard or read about, at length, what it felt like to be in alignment. It's touched upon with the phrase, "When it happens, you'll just know. You can't miss it!" Well, seeing as feeling is the cornerstone of all magic and manifestation efforts I figure it's definitely something worth mentioning in a more detailed fashion.
My Experience with the Feeling of Alignment
Let's go back to that calm current analogy.
Think of a calmly flowing river that you'd come upon on a nature hike. It's not a rushing, gushing, torrent of water that you couldn't safely cross without a bridge; nor is it a trickle of drops that may seem to stop and dry up at any moment. It's a calm, consistent, healthy flow of water that is as peaceful to look at, as it is to listen to.
This current, the steady flow of it, is what you feel beneath the easy happiness you feel in your day, in the moments of inspired action that now come easier than ever, and when you seemingly happen to look at a clock, turn on the 'right' song, or see building, street or license plate numbers, at just the right time.
It's not a loud ruckus of a parade,
It's a consistent hum, underneath everything else, you're not really going to notice it until you turn your attention to it. Kind of like how we tune out the hum of our A/C in our homes; you only really notice it's on when perhaps it's been running too long, or when you get a tad too uncomfortable and notice it hasn't run in a while.
Being in alignment, on the right* path, going in the right* direction, or, most importantly to our Nagon, knowing we're not getting in our own way, is a low hum of confirmation. One that when you start to notice things are looking up, working out or feeling lighter and happier, you start to feel and notice it. It's very peaceful and when you do notice it, a sigh of relief comes over you out of nowhere and you can feel the alignment and you know without a doubt thats what it is.
I liken it to the very last scene in Frozen 2. Hear me out; in the very last scene before you cut to credits, we see Elsa riding The Nokk to Ahtohallan and as she looks ahead she takes a noticeably big sigh:
This scene, along with many others depicting Elsa's growth throughout the film, struck me as such an important part of ones life journey.
We're all looking to get to the point in our life when we feel like we've clicked in and everything else can now fall into place. That we've found our calling, our purpose, our passion, our joy and most importantly OURSELVES. This is what is feels like to be in alignment. A peaceful sigh of relief.
But....How do I find what Aligns me?
Oh darling, that I cannot answer for you. To do so would be to place upon you, if I knew you intimately, my thoughts and perceptions of you and what I thought you would find fulfillment with. No one could ever do that for you accurately and you should never allow someone to attempt to.
But I will give you some suggestions on how to find it for yourself:
You will be found underneath all of the perceptions and expectations others have placed upon you. What did others tell you to dress like, act like, go to school for, aspire to be, make them proud, gain approval, or other conditional requirements for their attention and affections? Go through those, see what still resonates with you and what doesn't, anything that doesn't take a look at what it was that you were doing to make them 'correct' you and examine if that aligns with you now.
Look at your Rising Sign in your Astrological Birth Chart, I use this one . Your rising sign is the constellation that the sun was in the day and time you were born, it is the indicator of your nature right out of the womb before the world and its perceptions got ahold of you.
It may be the expression of creativity you've been avoiding, downplaying or pushing to the side for years. Another victim of what our society, family and friends, deems as an 'acceptable' expression of self which conveniently doesn't include yours.
It causes harm to none, including yourself, and benefits all, including yourself. You were not meant to be a hermit forever, hoarding away your talents and not sharing them with the world. The world needs your expression, your perception, your essence and by not sharing your talents you are harming those who could need your interpretation for their our inspiration. You're also cutting yourself off from being inspired by others creativity and community.
Additionally, your alignment, purpose, spark, whatever label resonates with you WILL NEVER including physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually wounding someone or something. If you believe your deity, religion, spirit team or self is advocating bringing harm to others on the basis of their belief system or expression of self, hear me clearly:
It's time to get a new belief system and
do some healing work before going out into the world.
In Summary
Being in alignment with the Universe, at its core is being in alignment with yourself. It's the true expression of yourself to the world in order to contribute to it in a positive and uplifting way. To help yourself and those around you with your expression, perception and interpretation. When you reach that point, it feel like an easy flow, a rivers steady current. Inspired ideas will come easily, deliberate indicators will abound and many other signs from your team will confirm it. Then take a moment to stop and lean into how good things are, and in the silence you will feel the hum of the Universe flowing through you and know that you have reached alignment. Remember to keep doing what you're doing that got you there, as that is your true expression of self. Grow with it and in it, it won't stay the same for long. You're meant to expand upon it and spread it farther. Continue to do the healing work you need when things come up; as we grow our past conditions and Nagon's will get triggered. Be patient with yourself and take time to address those needs directly via meditation, journaling or however you clear out and heal.